How did you find Demi Lovato after suffering from an overdose? | Trade | TV | Hollywood


Although Demi Lovato recovers in a Los Angeles hospital after an alleged overdose, there are still questions to be clarified regarding the circumstances that threatened her.

] According to sources from TMZ the singer was at a party at her mansion in the Hollywood Hills. Friends of the artist attended this meeting after attending the birthday of one of the Sunset Strip dancers.

A staff member of Demi Lovato found her unconscious in bed and called her promptly. in the emergency department who arrived at the event. After determining that he had been using drugs, he was quickly administered Narcan, a drug used to counteract the effect of opioids, reported TMZ .

An employee told the medical staff that the singer had partying. at night and went to bed to become later unconscious. Reactive, Half did not want to reveal to paramedics what medications he had consumed.

It should be noted that the artist has re-established favorably in a Los Angeles hospital. Friends and supporters expressed their support for Demi through social networks.

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<p clbad= IN THE VIDEO: The stars send messages for Demi Lovato (Source: El Comercio)

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