The cat parasite reduces rational fear


People infected with a common parasite in cats are more prone to entrepreneurship and being entrepreneurs, according to a study published by the University of Colorado (UC) published yesterday.

The study, which was based on approximately 1,500 students from this American university and data compiled in 42 countries over the past 25 years concluded that the contraction of the parasite Toxoplasma gondii increased the odds of a person to study a professional career or to open his own business


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. Specifically, compared to those who did not acquire the parasite, people with T. gondii are 1.4 times more likely to pursue a career in business during their university years, 1.7 to achieve executive positions and 1.8 to own their own business, according to the Inve

The parasite, which is estimated to affect about 2 billion people on the planet, is badociated with "impulsive behaviors" ifs and at risk ", including cases of road rage, neurosis, abuse

On how a parasite can propel someone into business, Stefanie K. Johnson, also a professor at CU -Boulder and author of the research, note that T. gondii reduces the "rational fear" and that is why the "fear of failure" is reduced.

"We humans like to think that we control our actions, but emerging research reveals that the microorganisms we encounter in our daily lives have the potential to significantly influence their hosts," he said. he says

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