The US economy has its best performance in nearly 4 years


The US economy grew at its fastest pace in nearly four years in the second quarter, as consumers increased their spending and farmers rushed to China ahead of time. 39, enter indeed, the commercial rates early July.

Gross domestic product grew at an annualized rate of 4.1%, also thanks to an increase in government spending, the Commerce Department said Friday in its second-quarter GDP estimate. This is the best performance since the third quarter of 2014.

GDP growth for the January-March quarter was revised at a rate of 2.2% from a previously reported rate of 2%, thanks to a new source of information and improvements of the methodology.

Compared to the second quarter of 2017, US GDP rose 2.8% between April and June. Production increased by 3.1% in the first half of 2018, placing the economy on track to achieve the annual growth goal of 3% of the Donald Trump government.

Earlier in the week, Trump posted on Twitter that the United States "has the best financial figures on the planet." The increase in GDP in the second quarter responded to badysts' estimates.

The dollar reduced its advance against a basket of currencies after the release of the data, while yields on US Treasuries fell on the highs of the session. Stocks, meanwhile, opened higher.

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