"The AIDS virus passes through china": the statements of a doctor arouse controversy


The Argentine Doctor Abel Albino on Wednesday expressed a series of controversial statements during his speech in the Senate of Argentina, where he showed his total rejection of the legalization of abortion in the country.

"You must understand that prophylaxis does not protect you from anything", Albino said in his speech. "The AIDS virus pbades through porcelain" adds the doctor. According to the man, condoms are useless, because the size of this virus is 500 times smaller than that of the human sperm.

These controversial statements by the practicing Catholic, found a resounding rejection in the play, where many of his colleagues left to express their disagreement. Something that was also featured in the networks where a rain of criticism attacked the doctor, who had expressed his opinion on the discussion when he was invited to the chamber.

The Catholic doctor has already seen wrapped in the eye of the hurricane after declaring things like that "homobaduality is a disease" or that "masturbation is an addiction".

Abel Albino in the Senate:
➡ ️ "If you say it like a law, then you will have your hands soiled with the blood of these creatures for this satanic requiem"
➡️ "Boys must understand that prophylaxis does not protect it from something The AIDS virus pbades through porcelain " pic.twitter.com/KtqZidmdz5

- C5N (@ C5N) July 25, 2018

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