Grupo Nutresa increased its revenues by 4% during the first half of the year


The company closed the first six months of the year with an operating profit of $ 4.3 billion

Vanessa Pérez Díaz – [email protected]

The Grupo Nutresa's business figure as of June 2018 was up 4% Compared to the same period in 2017, with a figure of 4.3 trillion COP, a result reported in a statement shows that the # 39 "business continues with a positive sales momentum, both locally and internationally, and a positive result in The question of profitability."

Sales in Colombia only, the company headed by Carlos Ignacio Gallego, s & Amounted to $ 2.8 billion and accounted for 64% of the Group's total business volume. This figure reflects a 4.4% growth compared to the first half of 2017. "This is the result of a 3.8% volume growth accompanied by a cautious and aggressive pricing strategy. a decided investment in the brands in the different channels

As for the sales abroad, these increased by 5,9% to total 547,3 million US dollars (1,5 billion dollars) and accounted for 36% of total sales at the close of business in the first half of the year

Gross profit for the period increased by 5.6% over the same period of 2017 and amounted to $ 1.9 trillion.As explained in the statement, this "reflects the effect of increased sales, productivity efforts and the constant search for more efficiency in purchasing strategies and the hedging of our raw materials. "

For the case of # 39; utility The net consolidated business figure stands at $ 245,137 million, up 4% from the first half of 2017.

Grupo Nutresa's operating result closed at $ 400,292 million with an operating margin of 9.3%. This result reflects an increase in selling expenses of 6.3%, accompanied by administrative expenses of 0.7% and production costs of 3.5%. In terms of profitability, EBITDA stood at $ 540,016 million, up 2.4%, or 12.5% ​​of revenue.

"We are pleased to announce that Grupo Nutresa has been ranked best in attracting and retaining talent in Colombia, both at the general level and in the food sector, according to the Corporate Reputation Business Monitor (Merco). Recognition confirms our decision to work for the integral development of our people and reinforces our belief in creating and managing superior goals that continue to inspire and motivate our teams in creating A Future for All, concludes the communiqué.

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