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Diego Ojeda /@diegoojeda95.

With the increase that e-commerce has registered in Colombia, added to the wide range of products that are online, it is important to distinguish the threats that, possibly, sales can hide digital

To begin, it is necessary to specify that buy online is not synonymous with fraud, theft, fraud or loss of data; On the contrary, it is a business that has many advantages but, besides physical sales, it can also present possible threats.

The boom that this type of shopping has had in the country can be seen in the results that it has shown Colombian Chamber of Electronic Commerce (CCCE), an entity which, for the month of April this year, revealed that in 2017, electronic sales in Colombia recorded nearly $ 14.6 billion, consolidating an increase of 14% over 2016. In short, Colombians are buying more and more digitally.

See also: eCommerce continues to grow in Colombia recording $ 14.6 billion in 2017

It's not that complicated to understand steady growth because instead of walking to a bank [19659007] and queuing to pay a receipt, many prefer to do the same thing in seconds of their mobile phone . The precedent is only one example of how the benefits of e – commerce translate into savings of time, money and physical effort; there are even means of payment which, with the prior authorization of the user, allow to automatically discount the amount to be paid by the person, which makes forget the cancellation of the payment. ;a bill.

If this scenario is moved to buy items online, not leaving the house and receiving the products at home is another element that attracts many people to resort to this type of shopping .

However, just as in the physical trade, you must be alert not to receive a fake ticket, a product of poor quality or to be scammed, in the virtual plan you must also follow a series of recommendations for avoid being victimized by delinquents who operate in various ways badociated with the Internet

Andrés Bernal, manager of Mercado Pago of Mercado Libre shared some recommendations to keep in mind when shopping online

For this manager, it is essential to validate items such as the reliability of the webpage in which the purchase is requested . The above can be achieved by checking the terms and conditions of the same, explaining for example what happens if the purchased product does not meet the expectations of the customer or simply happens something contrary to what was ordered; that the platform sees an investment on the part of the developers so that it is easy to navigate, that there are no spelling errors and that the prices displayed by the products are not incredibly low; all of these factors are indicators that a page can be a bait to scam potential buyers.

Bernal also badures that the most prevalent type of threat in Colombia is the phishing ", a term in which, for example, a criminal can pose as a police officer. buying a business and asking the victim for sensitive information such as credit card number, expiration date and security code, the data with which they may be

The problem with this is that the same Colombian regulation allows companies such as travel agencies to request this type of data over the phone then the mystery that remains for the buyer is to know that the person who m 39; is really a buyer? It goes without saying that the main recommendation is to be wary at all times and not to deliver by phone, mail or chat.

We suggest you read: Did you know that companies can order card numbers and security codes?

In order to ensure the security of purchases involving credit or debit card payments, there are platforms such as Mercado Pago and PayU, among others, whose mission is to guarantee a correct transaction; it is prudent to check that the purchase portals have one of these companies that preferably comply with international standards in the matter.

An additional tip is, as far as possible, still make transactions in Trusted computers that are connected to secure Internet networks because cyber criminals can install "19459008" Malware ] & # 39; on computers to spy on people's information and get sensitive data. Similarly, it is recommended to use secure pbadwords, which are not the same to access other portals such as social networks or e-mails.

Beware of wireless networks in airports and other public places [ad_2]
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