The 1280 Souls will be playing to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Media Cake


Open Air Theater Bogotá's Media Torta will celebrate its 80th anniversary on Saturday, August 11th.

The event will feature groups recognized for their long artistic career as 1280 Ames, Kamarada Alert, Ardent Caravan and Piranhas

For this event, there will be a group of guests which will be revealed next Monday, August 6th. The schedule of presentations is not yet known

Brief History of The Bogota Media Torta

The stage was inaugurated on August 13, 1938. [19459005Atitsopeningwerepersonalitiesofthetimesuchas the President of the Republic, Eduardo Santos, Mayor Gustavo Santos and consular members of England in Bogotá.

This open-air theater was delivered by the English minister Paske Smith. Then the German dancer Erika Klein played.

Media Torta had a capacity of 500 people at its opening and cost about 10,000 pesos at the time.

During the administration of Hernando Durán, Decree 0974 was signed to guarantee the free presentation of international artists on stage . That is why The Torta Media was the mandatory step for Armando Manzanero, Sandro, Cruz Celia, Mercedes Sosa, Leonardo Gonzalez, Nelson Ned, Raphael and Leonardo Favio.

Between 25 and 26 May 1995, the first edition of Rock al Parque took place in this space, a festival that hosted 43 national groups among which groups such as Aterciopelados and 1,280 Almas distinguished themselves.

The theater also hosted festival debuts such as Jazz to the Park, Rap at the Park and the Colombian Music Festival.

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