Leo – Saturday, July 28, 2018: Birthday cycle, a step forward in love


Astrological News: The Moon is in transit through the sign of Aquarius, which is your opposite. The planets Mars, Mercury, Saturn, Neptune and the planetoid Pluto continue to retrograde.

The influence of the lunar eclipse occurred yesterday increases your ability to absorb new knowledge and technologies and you learn in a very short time of the working techniques that in other circumstances would be more difficult for you. Love revolves around you and you will be amazed at how close you were, but that did not interest you.

Although at this time there are delays regarding unpaid money, everything will be solved in a few days. During the first few weeks of August that are already at the door you will have in your hands the money needed to meet your financial obligations and update you with your payments.

What is your ideal color according to your zodiac sign?


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You must apply all your experience, sensitivity, and social tact to dealing with someone who may be causing problems in your love life. The retrograde transit of Mercury tends to create an air of confusion in your emotional affairs.


If you are taking sensitive medications, write them down on a piece of paper so you do not repeat the doses or place them on the devices sold in pharmacies. forget your directions. Do not try to do a thousand things at the same time.


There will be opportunities to solve hard work and get recognition, and money, or maybe both. In a few days you will enjoy a well deserved rest, short vacation, but very stimulating and rewarding.

Ritual for the Blood Moon


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Money and Fortune

Well-intentioned people will be roundabout to offer seemingly good deals, but in reality they are not what that they seem. If you start rushing to sign a contract, beware, take your time, do not be fooled.

Today 's astrological biorhythm

Level of badual energy this Saturday: high
Cosmic dynamics from which you should derive great energy and enthusiasm that will help you conquer your dreams.
Dangerous trend today in your Lion sign: believe that you are right above all else.
What should I avoid ?: Talking too much and trusting secrets in prying eyes

Predicting partners for today Saturday

Today's best relationship: this Saturday there is a very good compatibility with fire signs like Aries and Sagittarius. Also with Cancer, even water, and with Libra and Aquarius, which are air.
The most tense relationship: avoid confrontations with the natives of Virgo or Capricorn.
Your current compatibility: you are vibrating on a good wave with signs of fire and air, also with Cancer, even water and with Pisces, where Venus is now, planet of # 39; love.
If you are single or single: in these days after the eclipse you will notice a marked interest from those who until now were indifferent to you.

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