The transmitter is cautious but with illusions at the end of the year


Two facts marked the last meeting of the Banco de la República: it was the last of Mauricio Cárdenas, as Minister of Finance of the Government Juan Manuel Santos, and the first for Carolina Soto co-director officially seized last Thursday to replace Adolfo Meisel .

As expected, the Banco de la República decided to keep interest rates stable (4, 25%), this due to the fact that the annual inflation remains at the objective point (see report) .

On the basis of stable inflation and good symptom on key economic indicators, Bank of the Republic said the outlook on economic growth could be of the order 2.7%. However, although this projection is the most cautious, Juan Jose Echevarría Director of the Issuer, badured that "the members of the Bank make much more optimistic estimates taking into account the global situation with the barrel of oil: the growth prospects of the national economy could be set at 3%. "

The Technical Team of the Issuer looks favorably at an average price of $ 71 for a barrel of Brent oil by the end of 2018, which would suggest that the 2.7% raised from the last two increase together by three percentage points, even with a price of crude oil at $ 67 next year, the Colombian economy could grow between 3.6% and 3.7% in 2019. [19659005] / * [ad_2]
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