Gastón Trezeguet declared that he was HIV-positive and he himself protested against Abel Albino


Gastón Trezeguet Credit: Crédito: Instagram

In the midst of the debate on the legalization of abortion,
The exhibition of pediatrician Abel Albino generated a mbadive repudiation. The doctor said, among other things, that "condoms do not work against AIDS",
an badertion that was quickly denied by experts in the health field who warned against the total falsity of this information. From the artistic field, they also expressed their opinion on Albino 's unfortunate expressions, and one of those who spoke of his most personal reality was Gastón Trezeguet, former participant of
Big Brother and current television producer

In a text that he shares on his social networks, Trezeguet reveals that he is HIV-positive and that he decides to go to school. state your situation in response to the information provided by the pediatrician. In his text, he wrote: "I have never been victimized, I have never used my illness and less to pity, it is not my way of being, I am positive but in all the senses of the concept. "Thanks to family, friends and of course to medication, I can live my life every day, sometimes without remembering my diagnosis. "

Later, the producer insists on the importance of providing correct information so that society does not fall prey to non-existent fears." Prejudices of all kinds: "When they come out with affirmations of this caliber it is impossible for them to be unaware of the subject, because it touches me, because it affects me, because what you think and how you see a patient, it is what affects us the most … that we are not dangerous, that they are not afraid of us, please ask them only statements like those of the albino pediatrician (who hates the condom only for non-scientific religious reasons) are taken for what they are, someone who does not separate the church from to science and to others is to say that repudiation not only because they misinform, but because they encourage us to fear and leave us a little more lonely .

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