A Colombian aged 5 to 64 in three does not consume fruit in his daily diet »Eje21


One in three Colombians between the ages of 5 and 64 does not consume fruit in their daily diet

The most recent national survey on the nutritional situation in Colombia (ENSIN) showed that a Colombian one in three between the ages of 5 and 64 consumes fruit in their daily diet, and five out of seven in that same age group do not consume vegetables or vegetables.

Healthy habits are related to the routines that every person should have in regards to their diet, as well as the development of physical activity, to avoid the risks of an illness.

It is usual now to meet groups of friends who practice physical activities together; Cycling, jogging, practicing a sport has become a hobby for many people.

These healthy living practices mitigate the risks of harmful practices such as excess fats and flours, consumption of alcohol, tobacco and alcohol. drugs and physical inactivity;

The latest national survey on the nutritional situation in Colombia (ENSIN) showed that one in three Colombians between 5 and 64 years old does not consume fruit in their daily diet, and five out of seven in Colombia. this same age group, they do not consume vegetables or vegetables.

Know the recommendations that help generate healthy lifestyle habits, and generate awareness about the importance of the same; the Promotion and Prevention field of NUEVA EPS reiterates certain practices:

Objective of healthy habits

The main objective is to generate an attitude of consciousness in the whole population from the smallest to the largest in order for them to acquire healthy habits in their daily activities at home, at school, at university and at work; improve their quality of life and health by reducing the risk factors that will trigger chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and kidney disease over time.

Healthy Habits

As a first step, it is recommended to perform at least 150 minutes of physical activity during the week, which equates to about 30 minutes a day during 5 days. A healthy diet that includes fruits and vegetables, reducing the consumption of fats, salt and sugar. Do not smoke, smoking is one of the leading causes of death around the world. Avoid the use of drugs and alcohol; and have a peaceful and harmonious life, since stress is a cause of diseases such as hypertension and heart disease.

Why They Are So Important

The most important thing is to convince oneself to start a life full of healthy habits, looking for physical activities that attract people to the world. and in which they feel good and comfortable. It is fundamental to set goals and progress gradually over time. The changes that take place will allow us to improve our health and to involve other members of our family, including friends.

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