FARANDULA: Alejandra Azcárate's Disease By Which Her Appearance Could Change Drastically


The humorist was honest about a newly discovered disease. It is the illness of Alejandra Azcárate by which his appearance could change radically.

In an exclusive video of TvyNovelas, Alejandra appears with a mask on his face. So, he starts talking about skin care and admits that he was recently diagnosed with vitiligo.

This skin disease manifests itself in the irregular depigmentation of certain areas of the body. In this way, people have some white dots on their faces, hands and other parts.

Although there is a treatment for vitiligo, there is no definitive treatment. Despite everything, the comedian took his ease, and although she admits to being scared, she thinks that her physical appearance will not define who she is.

"I wondered what would be my life if it filled me with spots, like a cow … Conclusion of the story, neurons do not get points … so l & # 39; 39, enlarging one of the inside, of what can live, is timeless and does not change, "he explains in the video.

give advice on how to get started treatment and with what doctors speak

Alejandra Azcárate's disease by which his appearance could radically change


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