Study says alcohol could help speak better of other languages ​​| El Tiempo Latino


Speaking in other languages ​​is one of the most complex challenges that can exist for inexperienced people, which is why people tend to go for help to speak fluently in a language. language that is not theirs

. One of the most popular strategies is to go to alcohol with the idea that it can help with nerves and be more natural when you talk. However, there is evidence that alcohol can affect the motor functions and that it is actually a placebo for people to feel more confident and believe that they are doing well.

German and Dutch researchers have designed an experiment to check if In fact, drinking helps to speak better. The subjects of the study were 50 German natives who study at the University of Maastricht who consume alcohol and who have an acceptable level of Dutch.

The experiment consisted of giving water to half of the participants and the other one an alcoholic beverage was the equivalent of a pint of beer according to the weight of each.

Then they had to hold a conversation with two interlocutors whose mother tongue was Dutch. Everyone badessed the fluidity of the conversation and the researchers had to self-badess according to what they had felt in the conversation.

The big surprise was that those who had drunk alcohol behaved better after calculating grades. The big difference was improved pronunciation by those who ate the beer. While in other aspects such as grammar, vocabulary and argumentation, the result was similar between the two groups.

Participants were not aware of having done better and believed above all that their performance would have been the same without a drink. The authors of the publication made in the Journal of Psychopharmacology specify that Alcohol was small and in high levels it can not have the same result.

On the other hand if you drink excessively the pronunciation can be much worse than if you have not drunk.

Another detail is that people who were in the study knew that they were drinking, so there could be a psychological and not a biological effect.

The conclusion of the study is that moderate alcohol can reduce language anxiety and allow a more fluent conversation in other languages ​​than the mother tongue

By Semana. com

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