Grupo InTIColombia presented a prototype Blockchain solution for land registration – DiarioBitcoin


The system incorporates biometric facial recognition mechanisms for user input, and information on the land and the owners are uploaded to the Blockchain of Ethereum , where you can only be accessed by those who manage the private key badociated with it.


Yesterday it was realized in the facilities of ViveLab Bogotá the presentation of the project "Blockchain Tierras" an initiative developed by the group of InTIColombia research jointly with the National Land Agency, and with the support of Universidad Nacional de Colombia Colciencias and MinTIC . The purpose of the presentation was to present the results of the research done by these organizations, which is one of the most important proposals to date developed with the underlying technology of digital currencies to solve one some of the biggest problems in Colombia. 19659004] The presentation was led by Mauricio Tovar and Angel Rendón, who together with several members of the team presented the technical and functional aspects on a large scale, with particular emphasis on product demonstration and considerations.

Tovar opened his participation stating that this was possible thanks to the funding provided by MINTIC and Colciencias, as well as recognizing the great support provided by the representatives of ] UST Global (Guillermo Barco and Julián Rodríguez) and the contribution of

Tovar indicated that Blockchain plays a fundamental role at the present time because today there are difficulties and events that undermine trust in the institutions and their officials because of the ease with which they can be modified. recordings. In this way, a small dynamic has been realized to illustrate the operation of block technology, addressing aspects such as the decentralization, the immutability and the security with which the protocol works, indicating that all these properties help to land registration.

Speaking concretely about the process and the usefulness of Blockchain, Tovar detailed the whole process normally followed at the bureaucratic level to carry out the land registration, indicating that it can be automated with the developed product. As a central point, he detailed that all information would be loaded into the Blockchain of Ethereum (the most sensitive aspects) and that it would be cryptographically protected, retailer that all can verify that the data in fact they are there, only those who have the private key can see the documents.

The program executes a smart contract and the bulk of the process is supported by three fundamental elements: the first is Blockchain Ethereum for storage of important information; the second is a network IPFS and the third is a database MongoDB for storing more general data.

Among the preliminary findings were:

  • Trust of immutability of land records that can not be modified
  • Prototype that strengthens the land register by linking land / owners in Blockchain
  • First Proofs of Identity Using Biometrics and Blockchain
  • Building Local Capacities in Technology Blockchain, for Entities Involved
  • Acquiring Knowledge and the learning process

Demonstration of the prototype

Rendón He explained how the registration of a user on the platform would be carried out by means of a live demonstration.

As a first step, the system requires a facial capture of new users, the identification data will be badociated with the biometric characteristics of their characteristics. Then the important information of the owner is requested and everything is loaded in the Blockchain . It is important that the key data always have the cadastral certificate and the information of the land in question, as they will be the elements to consult in the database.

In the system can be attached to files to users through the system IPFS, which generates the corresponding HASH after doing the mathematical conversion of the process. Once the document downloaded, an email is sent to the owner informing of the action company, and it can only be verified by entering the private pbadword.

Demonstration of the process of uploading files

An attempt to enter the system introduce data of a user simulating the theft of such information, but access was denied since the Facial traits of the person did not coincide with those of the owner of the account, so it was demonstrated that the prototype had measures to prevent theft After the demonstration, Tovar and Rendón answered some questions regarding the prototype, indicating that the Blockchain and the technology of Ethereum were used. ] for ease in the learning curve for programming with Solidity and the security guarantees that it has shown up to date. It was also reported that the implementation of another set of biometric data – such as a retinal scanner – and the fact that other institutions related to the process are also integrated into the platform, expanding functionality are among the challenges. It is managed that these organizations can function as nodes in a private network of Ethereum, and that in the case where they are universities, it can be managed as an incentive access to certain data for the realization of # 39; studies and statistics

At this time, the decision is already in the hands of the new government administration whether this system could be implemented or not. And for the moment it has not been decided yet it would open the code for the community since it would be used by state institutions.

Article and images by Angel Di Matteo / DiarioBitcoin [19659004]


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