Mochitenses favor natural gas


Los Mochis, Sinaloa.- Representatives of Naturgy (formerly Gas Natural Fenosa) reported that for the month of October, they could open the first keys to natural gas in the city of The Mochis.

It is expected that the price of this product will be in the domestic market up to 25%. 100 less than that of liquefied petroleum gas. While in the trade sector, it could have a lower price of 35%, and in the industry, it can reach 60% of competitiveness.

See also: The natural gas service reaches nearly 2 thousand contracts

] THE DEBATE conducted a survey among the citizens of Mochita, who were in favor of the arrival of natural gas to so much so that 68% of respondents know that before the end of the year, the city will count Therefore, 44% mentioned that they preferred the service of natural gas and 28% of those surveyed said they had already hired this service.

Read also: Citizens ask for agility in natural gas works

Acceptance is such that 47 percent of citizens surveyed in areas where the works of installation of the lines Distribution of this gas have already been executed, said No it has no problem with these jobs. Only 23% responded that he had a lot of problems, and 30% that little.

Similarly, 46% mentioned that they would switch to natural gas because this service is constant and 30% because the costs of liquefied petroleum gas are high.

It's a good thing

Julio César Silvas, president of the Alliance for Business Development and Competitiveness (Adecem), said that with natural gas, the # Industry, manufacturing and in general for the business sector that wants to integrate this input in its production processes, will have to make adjustments in its facilities, it will involve budgeting the economic resources to be able to provide them with this energy.

"It will be the same for the residential sector, it is not the same for a LPG burner as for natural gas. Sinaloan families will also have to make some adjustments in terms of facilities, "he said.

However, he felt that natural gas is something positive for the state, families and families.

This will generate an economic effort that could be offset by the profits we are going to have on the cost of energy.

However, he explained that in the private sector they see a definition clear and strong by the Secretariat of the Economy, which is the rector and guide of public policy, in the sense of seeing where they will point to natural gas.

"What kind of industry or what kind of sector are we going to blow up especially because we have natural gas, as well as at the time Sonora did it to bring the Ford.

It is in this sense that we need to know where we are going, if our area of ​​opportunity will be to strengthen agribusiness, because what will be the public policy that will be implemented? , did he declare.

In this note:

  • Service
  • Natural Gas
  • Los Mochis

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