A 24% tax on sugary drinks would reduce obesity: U. Javeriana


A study from the Public Health Institute of Javeriana University showed that the application of a 24% tax on the final price of sugary drinks would have beneficial effects on the reduction of obesity and overweight, especially among low-income households. Andres Vecino, researcher of the study, explained that the most recent national survey on the nutritional situation showed disturbing figures among adults in the country who were 56% overweight and obese. 19%, in addition to "Using representative data from the survey for the study, it was found that among people in households of strata 1 and 2, the tax on sugary drinks would reduce the overweight and obesity between 5% and 10%, "said Vecino, who added that in households belonging to stratum 3 to 6, the It would reduce obesity between 5% and 8%.

For the researcher, at least a tax rate of at least 750 pesos per liter of sweet drink is required, or 24% of the average price, to achieve significant effects on the reduction overweight and obesity among low-income households in the country.

"Scientific evidence indicates that the consumption of sugary drinks is related to the weight and development of diabetes and heart disease in adults and children. In the last 10 years in Colombia, overweight and obesity have increased at similar rates by 10% with the production of these beverages, "says Vecino.

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