A key element saved the relationship of Johanna Fadul and Juanse Quintero


Juanse Quintero and Johanna Fadul have been together for five years and, like any stable relationship, have had to overcome difficult times and quiet times. The experiences they experienced led them to seek a successful marriage, fundamentally, through a happy coexistence.

Its purpose was not simple, but in any case they found the way out with a fundamental ingredient: mutual love.

Read here: He is Erc.VD, the hero of animated graffiti

Which wounds have been treated with mutual support? [19659002] Before this question, Johanna Fadul, popular for playing the role of Daniela in Sin Tetas Sí Hay Paraíso claimed for the country's number one magazine that she managed to change her mind on lack of love and lack of faith in a lasting relationship :

"I come from a dysfunctional marriage, fights here and there, fists, blows, I did not want to repeat this story, my first boyfriend hurt me mentally and I became a person always with a foot out of any relationship in case I had Juanse gave me the opportunity to believe in love, said the beautiful actress.

For his part, Juanse Quintero revealed unknown details of his relationship with Greeicy Rendón and how in this part of his life he fell into an unhappy dependence.

What will it be?

For all the details of this revealing interview get the most recent edition of Vea Magazine.

See also: ]

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