a new threat that puts your Smart TV at risk


Currently, Peru and Russia are the countries with the largest number of detections of minors (cryptojacking) worldwide.

Every system is vulnerable. The digital transformation will allow cybercriminals to focus on businesses that do not focus on security design.

Today, the present and pending threat of any kind of surveillance is called cryptojacking. What is it?

Cryptojacking is the illegal exploitation of cryptocurrencies. With this method, cyber criminals enter your computer, either through a malicious link or an infected web page to filter the stored data of your business or your home without realizing what is happening.

We spoke to Jorge Zeballos, General Manager of Eset Peru on this issue and the steps you need to take in the face of this new threat.

Currently, Peru and Russia are the countries with the largest number of detections of minors (cryptojacking) in the world. despite the population difference of more than 100 million inhabitants between the two, and together they concentrate nearly 20% of cases globally.

"In all threats, Peru loses nearly 10 million US dollars a day, only Russia wins with an incidence of 10%, we are number two with 9%. that it causes is strong. "

He also added that there is no exact measure of the companies currently affected but that 80% of them are vulnerable to infection because They do not have original software.

At another point, he pointed out that cryptojacking is slowing down your computer. "CPU utilization goes from 5 to 55%. CPU utilization is 50% higher, which means that the processor heats up more, consumes more power and lasts less. you, the extraction of digital parts is not illegal, the problem is that they do it without your consent, but this is eliminated by updating your computer server. "[19659003] He mentioned that not only computers are exposed to cryptojacking, also Smart TV "It may be vulnerable because of some viruses or cryptojacking because it is a computer with a processor, memory, the most common are Android .

Finally, he stressed that to be safe against cryptojacking from the point of view of the company, you need to perform updates on the web servers.

In addition to checking all infrastructure, a single machine can damage the entire operating system and jeopardize the user's browsing experience. From the point of view of the user, the cryptojacking virus will only be updated with the navigation system like Chrome.

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