A study establishes a link between abuse of social networks and the attention deficit and hyperactivity in youth La Crónica del Quindío


People with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder have difficulty focusing and are impulsive.

  Study links social media abuse to attention-deficit hyperactivity in youth

Reference photo, Pixabay

US scientists found that The abuse of social networks may be badociated with an increased risk of occurrence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Tdah, in adolescents according to an article published in Jama

People with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder have difficulty concentrating and are impulsive . The first symptoms of the disease appear in childhood and adolescence, so it is necessary to accurately control the causes of the onset of the syndrome to prevent them effectively .

See also: Social networks are a risk factor for the self-esteem of young people

Parents often worry about the habituation of their children to social networks . Therefore, scientists from the University of Southern California under the direction of Adam Leventhal decided to investigate the relationship between Internet abuse and the development of symptoms Tdah . To this end, they observed 2,587 schoolchildren – an average age of 15.5 years – who were asked about the frequency with which they use social networks.

Participants were asked to remember how much time each day they spend their messages, social media, online shopping, reading, watching videos, or downloading music . Based on interviews with volunteers, scientists also determined the presence and severity of ADHD symptoms at home . At the beginning of the study, no symptoms were found in any of the adolescents

It is necessary to educate on caution and responsibility in social networks: Álvaro Arias [19659006] Participants They were subjected to repeated surveys every six months during the next two years. L found that among those who rarely used the Internet, ADHD symptoms occurred in less than 5% of cases and among those who frequently used -12 to 14 different activities per day- ADHD was manifested by 11% to 16% .

The authors of the article report that, despite the fact that the relationship between the use of social networks and the manifestation of ADHD symptoms was significant, can be considered quite weak, so that it is impossible to speak of a cause-and-effect relationship . To confirm this – and also to study the relationship obtained in more detail – the research should continue.

Recently, a study published by Pediatrics noted that children with autism spectrum disorders, ASD, who also have attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity has twice the risk to be diagnosed or treated for anxiety and mood disorders . The study, completed by the Interactive Autism Network, IAN, is one of the most important that compares the two disorders .

María Cervantes
This story was originally published in N + 1, which adds science

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