About 68 children are treated for AIDS in the country »AMPrensa.com


Editorial Office – For the year 2017, the Ministry of Public Health reported a total of 68 HIV-infected children under 15 years of age in the country. The majority of these cases are registered in the province of San José.

Each of these children receives treatment and follow-up at the National Children's Hospital. When they reach the age of majority, they are referred to the corresponding HIV clinic, according to their place of residence.

According to information provided by the Health Surveillance Directorate, one or two cases of mother-to-child transmission are counted per year (the mother infects the fetus during pregnancy)

Non Governmental Organization Humanium an international organization dedicated to the protection of the rights of the child, stresses that despite the efforts of the country in health care In Costa Rica, about 10% of children die before the age of five because of the virus. Most of them come from poor or rural areas.

The lack of prenatal control is one of the causes of early detection of infection. Thus, the detection of the virus is given until the moment of delivery. In the majority of cases, mothers who do not have the corresponding exams are undocumented women.

"Costa Rica has worked hard to track pregnant women in prenatal care for timely HIV arrest," he said. Dr. Teresita Solano, Department of Health Surveillance Department of Health

Solano added that through virus prevention efforts, the country could seek certification for the elimination of transmission of the virus. mother to the HIV child and, later, conbad syphilis.

Worldwide, it is estimated that approximately 370,000 children under the age of 15 contract the virus each year. In addition, for the year 2012, a total of 2.2 million infected children have been identified worldwide.

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