Acne is a chronic disease that affects self-esteem, according to a Mexican expert


Acne is a skin disease that affects 70% of young people in the world and who, if not treated properly, leaves scars that affect self-esteem, has said Efe Susana Cbadizo, secretary of the Mexican Federation of Dermatology.

"Its highest incidence is between 13 and 25 years and affects both bades, although it is more severe in men.It is a chronic multifactorial condition that emotionally affects people" , he said. is manifested by inflammatory and noninflammatory lesions, which can range from known pimples to pimples.

According to the specialist, because this disease causes a change in the body image, as often occurs on the face, Patients may have low self-esteem, fear, shame, loneliness. anxiety and depression.

"It is a chronic disease, with periods when it seems to disappear and others where it worsens and which also affects the image, the quality of

The Secretary of the Mexican Federation of Dermatology said that in adults, it affects 3% of men and 12% of common women in adolescence, the expert said that this condition can persist until 39. at 30 or 40.

Cbadizo said that it is a disease that results from various factors, including genetics, because those with severe acne have a father or a mother. "This may be due to the exaggerated secretion of free fatty acids produced by hormonal stimulation of the sebaceous glands, clogging of the hair follicle and the resulting inflammation, as well as the presence of bacteria" , he said.

This disease, he explains, is manifested on the forehead, cheeks, nose, neck, back, chest rine and rarely in the shoulders and bad

"It is characterized by seborrhea. grains) open or closed (pimples), and abscesses of different sizes, which in some cases can be very large and confluing several lesions, "he said.

Cbadizo indicated that, when this condition s chronic, should seek the help of a dermatologist in a timely manner, it is a treatable condition.

"It is a very complex disease but as a result, not everyone knows how the treat. The treatments depend on the type of acne: they can be retinoids applied or combined with antibiotics, although these should not be used for a long time, "he said.

In some cases extremes, treatment with oral retinoids. "In these cases, you need to control patients because you can not drink alcohol during treatment and, in the case of women, it is not recommended to become pregnant because the drug can cause malformations in the fetus. "

He explained that the goal of acne treatments is to reduce seborrhea, prevent the formation of new pimples and to eliminate those already formed, as well as to reduce inflammatory lesions.

Once controlled, it seeks to improve the sequelae – spots and scars -, but also avoid or space out relapses, especially at l 39; adolescence, stage where acne is not cured, only controlled.

The expert stressed the importance of and avoid believing in myths and home remedies that can cause significant damage to the skin and scarring.

Similarly, he recommended to avoid squeezing the grains and using "miraculous" products.

it is to wash the face once a day with acidic pH acid soap, without abrasives and without alcohol, which can be easily rinsed.

Finally, he said that you should always seek the help of a specialist for a diagnosis and prompt treatment.

  Acne is a chronic condition that affects self-esteem, says a Mexican expert

The inability to take care of acne leaves scars that can affect the Young self-esteem. (ARCHIVER)

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