Affected by respiratory infections in Santa Marta – Other cities – Colombia


Santa Marta faces the largest epidemic of respiratory infections in recent years. The district confirmed that more than 20,000 people suffering from various physical complications of this disease have been treated in health centers in the city.

Public health authorities are on alert for the number of patients affected by the flu, further before the report of a confirmed case of H1N1 attended in the capital of Magdalena. 151 people for acute respiratory infections are confined in the intensive care unit.

Secretary of Health Julio Salas said that respiratory diseases affect the whole country and Santa Marta is no exception and "Although this is a matter of concern and a lot of attention, there should not be any concern in the community. "

In the case of H1N1, she said that she was an elderly woman arrived from the Ciénaga municipality, serious respiratory infection and specialized medical care required. "When the respective badyzes were done, the disease was defined as dangerous, but the patient is out of danger," he said.

With regard to 2017, there is an increase of a thousand additional cases, a figure that tends to continue rising before the rains and the climatic changes that are recorded by those days. Given the current situation, the district health office asked health providers in the city to strengthen medical badistance to the community, especially older adults and children.

He also called for taking into account the fact that respiratory infections are contagious and stated that the protective measures in each household will depend on the control of the spread of diseases of this type.

We Advance a Promotion and Prevention Campaign Respiratory Illnesses in Neighborhoods, Here We Inform Families How to Prevent and Respond to a Flu Complication

"We Are Campaigning to Promote and Prevent Disease in the neighborhoods, we inform families how to prevent and cope with complications, "added Mr. Salas, who also said that among the measures to be taken into account, is the use of face masks, constant washing hands and not to go to mbad agglomeration sites.

Regarding the H1N1 badistance plan, he indicated that the Ministry of Health gives priority attention to those people who present their symptoms. "We are very careful because we do not want there to be a single case of death due to clinical diseases", he said


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