Afro aesthetics will enter through the pores of the Petronio Álvarez Festival


Music, cooking, crafts, podium and other elements that showcase afro essence will be part of the varied and lively "menu" of the twenty-second version of this festival of the Colombian Pacific.

The sounds of marimbas, chirimías and Caucasian violins will resound in the Colombian city of Cali and will bring out the afro aesthetic of the pores of the XXII edition of the Pacific Music Festival Petronio Álvarez

This peaceful festival is will run from August 15th to 20th. next, but its national launch will take place this Saturday, July 21 at the Teatro Mayor Julio Mario Santo Domingo, in Bogotá.

"This year will be much better, because you will live and live in addition to music, cooking, visual, afro aesthetics, which will go through all the pores," badured the director. Anadolu agency to the Secretary of Culture of Cali, Luz Adriana Betancourt.

"They welcome you with a hug, a gigantic smile, and all they have to teach us (of this earth), how to dance like they do, for example," said Betancourt, referring to the warmth of the people of the region.

El Petronio Álvarez is a competition, and for the coming version, the secretary of culture of Cali visited for two months the main municipalities of the Colombian Pacific (Cali, Buenaventura, Popayán , Istmina, Guapi and Tumaco), in addition to Bogota and Popayán, to choose between 138- groups that will arrive in Cali to compete for the Bombo Golpeador and a prize pool that exceeds 150 million COP.

There will be 14 groups of traditional songs and marimba, ten of chirimia, ten violins of the Caucasus and ten in free version, which will conquer the public with their rhythms.

Tribute to "orality"

As confirmed by the secretary, l & # 3 This year's goal of Petronio Alvarez is to do a tribute to the orality, which characterizes this Colombian folklore and culture of the Pacific, "which has not been recorded in books, research or publications. texts. "

" It was kept "at the end" of the oral tradition, each person from "voice to voice" how are their instruments made, how are the dishes cooked, how did they come to America in a state of slavery, what languages ​​they spoke, how their instruments were made, "she says

. midwife, an ancestral profession whose knowledge was declared Colombian cultural and intangible heritage in October 2016.

The peaceful festival will also pay tribute to a renowned musician from Buenaventura, Baudillo Cuama Rentería, or the "King of Currulao", who he does marimbas, "the best", but he also interprets and transmits his knowledge from one generation to the next.

"Professor Cuama taught how to build and play the marimba from the beginning, oral, in the primers; (teach) that feeling that people have, without a professional title," says Cali's secretary of culture.

Another festival premiere for 2018 is a "marimbeada", a show in which 15 marimbas will be played together. "The marimba is going alone, but this time we'll have them together at the time of Professor Cuama's homage," said Betancourt, adding that it's something "that we see nowhere elsewhere, or even there on the territory ""

Betancourt emphasizes the union that characterizes the inhabitants of different peoples of the Pacific, regions strongly affected not only by poverty and abandonment, but also by the conflict armed with FARC demobilized and other illegal armed groups 19659003] "There are ways to understand the marimba and it is from one to the other, through the 39; oral. And they have a strength: they are very close. Although many have left their land by war, by poverty, they have never disconnected from their origin; They come back every time and connect with theirs, a circular immigration, "he explains.

In addition," although the uprooting is still coming back, they have managed to find a way that it is not embarrbading " . the Petronio Concept Committee, made up of 28 people, decides to pay homage to "orality".

But there are still more surprises. A big novelty of the twenty-second version of the Festival is the presence, for the first time, of Yuri Bedoya, artistically known as Yuri Buenaventura.

He is a salsa singer from Buenaventura, Valle del Cauca (western Colombia), who takes the name of his hometown and triumphs in France.

"This is the first time that an artist who leaves the country and who is characterized by another musical genre interprets songs from the Pacific."

] The aperitif in Bogota

Although as mentioned, this peaceful holiday will take place in the middle of next month, Bogotá has an aperitif this Saturday.

The event is a Winners of the 21st Festival

"We do not win a Petronius for a year and we forget it, but we continue to be a community," says Betancourt

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