AH1N1: In Córdoba confirm six cases of AH1N1 | Health


Córdoba Health Secretary Eduardo Vélez Baquero confirmed that in the department six cases of influenza AH1N1 virus have been reported. According to the established, the public health laboratory in 2018 received 48 respiratory samples from the IPS department that were sent to the National Institute of Health being positive to date nine samples and these six correspond to the virus AH1N1

Of the reported cases, four come from the city of Montería, one from San Carlos and one from the municipality of Ayapel. In front of the delicate panorama, the Secretary of Health of Córdoba, nda Eduardo Vélez, announced the activation of the prevention of the plade and the intensification of the surveillance of acute respiratory infections and alerted the communities .

must be vigilant to the warning signs such as progressive deterioration, breathing difficulties, fever that does not stop in those over 5 years, breathing faster than normal, fever difficult to control for more than two days, if the chest sounds while breathing, drowsiness or difficulty waking up, attacks or convulsions and disintegration in children under 5 years, "warned the official.

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