Alejandra Azcarate spoke of the illness she is suffering


According to information shared by the same actress, she lived with this health problem for a year and a half, when she noticed white spots that began to appear on different parts of her body.

"It was a very severe skin condition and I had to put myself in the hands of experts . At that time, I honestly thought that it was, as far as I know, exotic white spots just because " he was narrating Azcárate .

"I did not stop him but then I took a biopsy from the edge of the arm and turned out to be vitiligo " added the actor in the video shared by the medium.

Upon learning of what it was, Alejandra Azcárate was very difficult to accept at first, because when she went to where one of the best dermatologists of the country was aware of what was happening to him and was beginning to imagine a thousand terrible things that could happen to his body

" I started crying horribly with this medium, because I I entered a tenacious terror circuit and said: "My God, I'm going back to a Dalmatian home, what horror …" But hey, so I relaxed and I had says: "I'm not going to die" " the actress expressed.

In the clip published Azcárate took advantage of said what this problem is that his body presents and gave the reason that would have caused this damage to his body.

"For those who do not know, I tell them, because I had no idea either .. vitiligo is like a reaction that exhibits melanin, where all the immunological army does a short circuit like that, supposedly because of stress, that I thought that this joke did not exist "says the artist.

" Also is due to fear, to internal anxieties, and I saw very tormented so they helped me a lot " he badured.

The artist applauded in ] Viña del Mar 2018 claimed that, as a woman, knowing about this disease affected her in her physical part, because that afflicted her and made her fear that he would change his appearance to the extreme .

"Of course when one, more than one woman who are all vain, they give a diagnosis of vitiligo is think that & # 39 it will start to metamorphose, because it is also a skin disease that has no cure "

After investigation, take the time to

Alejandra Azcárate learned to cope with his illness, learned to cope with this disease and to speak to specialists. and do not feel embarrbaded since there is no aesthetic procedure to cover it. According to him, he only uses vitamins that help him control it.

"This process was a great learning, even fun, because I often wondered what my life would look like if I suddenly became a cow full of blemishes and the truth I think nothing would not change, it would remain the same " said the Colombian.

" I have seen more than ever that everything is here in my head The years will come as they come, because unlike most women I will never be able to cheat, I can not literally make me lasers, or something that has light, I can not chuceo, botox, or nothing happily, it terrifies me, to be like a squirrel " added to his opinion.

Finally, Alejandra Azcárate badured that everything goes on inside and that people live different things, "

So before that, " the conclusion of the 39, history is that neurons do not leave stains (…) the enlargement of one from the inside, which can learn, live, experiment, is timeless and does not change color ".

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