Alkilados has a new song: "She pursues me" | "SHE PERSECUT ME" NEW SONG | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


Edwin martínez lópez

El Universal

After the great success of "Nadie como tú", the Colombian group Alkilados surprises with the release of "Ella me chase", a musical theme with a flavor of urban cumbia. remembers a lot of the clbadic flick of "You do not know me", a song that has been very well received by the public.

This new musical theme blends with new sounds from the beach of Alkilados and the style of Bonny Lovy, a new member and important musical performer from Bolivia who will be part of this song.

This new musical proposal is a composition of Juanito, the leading voice of the group Alkilados, also includes the participation of Bonny and Pablo Feliú.

The recording of this clip was made in Playa Parking, in the city of Pereira.

The artist did not hesitate to thank Bonny for his participation in this song. "We admire Bonny's talent so much that we want this song to serve as a platform for people who love and follow us in other countries to know it. Bolivians and all the support we have received from this country. "

The launch of this new theme will take place today in Bogotá. The artists are eager to know how the public will receive them with this new proposal of different rhythms and flavors.

After this release, the group will begin a tour of countries such as Chile and Peru and visit some Central American countries.

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