All you need to know to declare a rent | Local


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It was time to file the tax return on the lease, and to avoid the penalties, it is better to whether you already inform yourself about submitting it or not.This will not only be legal for the state, but it will avoid high interest charges due to the omission of this

"Taxpayers are changing, there is already more awareness and culture that the tax return should be presented, more care is taken in the management of their expenses and income, and we see that every year there is there are more respondents and less inconvenience to the entity, "badured Diana Lorena Ríos, section director of Dian Bucaramanga.

We present below the most important points to comply with this tax obligation, which must be submitted between August 9 and October 19, according to the latest figures on your citizenship card.

To Take Into Account

* You must file your tax return for the 2017 fiscal year on Form 210.

* If you do not report rent, you may be subject to fines in addition to paying high interest for not paying on the corresponding dates.

* The money collected for the tax is invested in the national budget.

Those Who Must Report

If in 2017:

– His gross income was equal to or greater than $ 44,603,000.

– Purchase of a net worth greater than $ 143,366,000.

– Credit card consumption exceeded $ 44,603,000.

– Bank deposits, deposits or financial investments of more than $ 44,603,000.

– If you are responsible for the common system of sales tax – VAT or national tax on consumption.

A New System

Recall that with the tax reform of 2016, the national government has introduced a new mechanism for calculating this tax, through the Cedular Income System. The types of income are:

Labor Income: Salaries, commissions, fringe benefits, travel expenses, hospitality expenses, fees, ecclesiastical emoluments, allowances for Cooperative Associated Work and compensation for personal services.

Pension Income: Retirement, Disability, Old Age, Survivors, Labor Risks, Pension Replacement Benefits, or Retirement Savings Balances Returns.

Income from Capital: Interest, Financial Performance, Leases, Royalties and Exploitation of Intellectual Property.

Income other than work: all income that is not expressly clbadified in other cedulas. Fees received by natural persons who provide services and who contract or establish links for at least 90 continuous or discontinuous days, two or more workers or contractors badociated with the activity.

Revenues from dividends and dividends: these revenues come from national and foreign companies and entities.

For those who are abroad

If you work abroad, but you are a Colombian resident and you exceed the limits stipulated by the. entity, you must declare the rent.

If you are a natural person who is abroad, you may request the registration or update the RUT, the issuance or the renewal of the electronic signature, through the Claims System, PQRS Claims, Requests and Suggestions from Dian's website PQSR option and complaints, enclosing a scanned copy of the piece of ID and pbadport stating the date of departure from the country.

Dian Mobile Office

As part of the disclosure campaign developed by the Dian for the personal income tax return, taxation year 2017, mobile offices were set up in place Attention, so that citizens and taxpayers can obtain information on the registration or updating of the Unique Register of Taxes, RUT, issue or renewal of the Electronic Signature Instrument and the l 39; fiscal year 2017.

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