An actor who had died 7 minutes recounted what he saw in the afterlife


Shiv Grewal, actor of the British theatrical company Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC), revealed to various media in the UK what he saw in "the afterlife" when he experienced a clinical death.

The artist suffered a cardiac arrest and remained clinically dead for seven minutes before being resuscitated, during which time he experienced something similar to feeling "in the void", although He had "emotions and sensations"

He confessed that he "knew that my brain was dying and that he was screaming for help", but "I also knew that There was a possibility of going home ".

This 60-year-old British man describes his experience as "reverie". "A cosmic journey": "At one point, I was traveling on the moon and I could see meteorites and all the space."

He also explained that he could choose to stay there or come back to life. in and they offered me many lives and reincarnations, but I did not want them. "

Today, Shiv Grewal paints pictures with everything he thinks he saw during those moments.

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