an excited father with a viral dance for his baby with cancer


Kenny Thomas showed his dance style to celebrate that his son overcomes cancer, unaware that it would become viral and that Ciara herself would share it.

Despite the difficulties, dance instructor Kennith Thomas was delighted with the good news: Kristian's 15-month-old baby's levels had increased, which meant that the child could leave for the first time since his diagnosis of leukemia.

Kristian was born last year with Down syndrome and with a disorder in the blood. The doctors told Kennith and his wife that he was likely to have leukemia at some point. However, on June 19, they received confirmation that their baby had this disease.

With his head high and with all the hopes, Thomas decided to capture some moments of his son's life, even if it was from the hospital. For this reason, he shared his steps while dancing on his social networks to the rhythm of the American singer Ciara with her title "Level Up".

The video was a tribute to the work he and his wife, Josilyne, did with the dance academy that they founded in September 2016.

"When you wake up and see the levels of your son and that we can go home for a few days while he overcomes cancer! "he writes. :

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