An Innovative Multiple Sclerosis Drug Will Arrive in Mexico


  Innovative drug for multiple sclerosis will reach Mexico

In Mexico, treatments for patients with multiple sclerosis cost between 20,000 and 600,000 pesos a year. Photo: AP


Patients with multiple sclerosis in advanced stages advanced in Mexico will have the opportunity to delay symptoms and reduce crisis of this autoimmune disease, with innovative treatment .

For the month of August, the Roche pharmaceutical company will have approval of the use in Mexico of the substance Ocrelizumab from the Federal Commission for protection against health risks ( Cofepris) For marketing, having been approved in Europe, announced the director of access and business affairs, Jorge Tanaka.

This drug that can do, is that this function that had not yet been lost, the patient can recover it. In terms of quality of life, they will improve significantly, "he said.

Tanaka said that they were looking for the drug in the public sector because these patients are treated with other drugs.

in the health sector because it already has treatments for the disease, including social security and the ISSSTE and some are decentralized, "he said.

Roche's Medical Director for Latin America, Daniel Cirano, said that this innovation protects nerve cells, in addition to regenerating them.

This drug works on the immune system cells that feed on myelin, preventing them from being destroyed and giving them time to recover, "he says

in Mexico . multiple sclerosis cost between 20 thousand and 600 thousand pesos a year in the public sector.

It is estimated that in the country there are 20 thousand people with this disabling condition.

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70% of cases are patients between 20 and 40 years old, in a period of their productive life, from 3 to 5% is less than 18 years old.

There is no cure for multiple sclerosis, but early diagnosis delays immobility, blindness and lack of memory, in addition to physiotherapy.

that there are 2.5 million people with sclerosis of which 70% are women.


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