Argentine consumers, among the most suspicious of the region – 18/07/2018


Chile, Argentina and Peru lead the most wary consumer index of the region according to a survey conducted by Llorente and Cuenca. The sector that generates the highest level of confidence is food production, while the sector that has the worst perception is the financial services sector.

The survey included 4 000 surveys in nine markets (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru and the Dominican Republic) to measure the level of trust in six sectors Keys: Food & Beverage, Automotive, Pharmaceutical, Financial Services, Retail & Telecommunications.

" No sector enjoys an excessively solid confidence in the region ," the report says. However, on average, Latin American consumers believe more in business than in Spanish consumers, for example. Chile, Argentina and Peru appeared with the lowest confidence registries. The safest podium consists of Mexico, Panama and the Dominican Republic.

Food is the sector that generates the most confidence. The finance and telecommunications sectors received the lowest ratings.

"Most sectors evolve in evaluations between" moderate "and" good "(between 6 and 7 points), which indicates that there is a long way to go to obtain a strong confidence on the part of the consumer, "said Llorente and Cuenca

The traumatic relationship between Argentina and the banks is reflected in the report . The score of 5.7 that we give to Argentinian financial services is the lowest ranking obtained by any sector in the entire study.

the degree of trust in banks, consumers take into account security in operations, but also "ethical issues such as compliance with the legal framework or the responsible use of personal data ".

In the case of food, three aspects are particularly important to gain the trust of the customer: the impact of the product on the health, the tests and controls that it has undergone and the guarantee offered by the Mark.

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