arrived at the end of the season


Luisito Rey was ruthless with his son even when he was about to die. This is revealed by the season finale of Luis Miguel: the series the production of Netflix which after 13 episodes ended with the promise of a ] second season .

Of all the problems he faced Luis Miguel in 1992, the good news illuminates his life: Romance The bolero disc that he just went out at the market – in November 1991 – he consolidated as the best selling album of his career and all tickets for his tour of Latin America sold out in two days.

However, in the personal life of Luis Miguel there is no time for celebrations. The already serious problem of not finding his mother, adds the probable end of her relationship with Issabela Camil after she discovers that the singer has a three year old daughter who has not wanted to see.

A Erika – real name of Issabela – it was not enough for him Mickey to refuse to be a father. It's even she who takes a picture of the girl, who apparently "is equal" to the singer, something in which he coincides Hugo López manager of LuisMi . "The same hair color, the same eyes, even the same teeth, boludo" he says López who advises him to give himself the opportunity to meet the little girl , a little affected by never having been able to become a father, but also because he has recently been diagnosed with colon cancer.

"Life fades: money, career, records, fame, all that goes away, we still have people who love us", said his manager Luis Miguel ]

The performer wants to solve his problems with Erika and ensures that at the end of his tour he will meet the girl. "I want to be the man my father could never be," she badures; however, the model requires time for reflection, a time that would also have been a respite for Luis Miguel otherwise to receive a call from Spain, where his father died for a photograph of cirrhosis aggravated by HIV.

Although Luis Miguel hesitated and was about to travel to say goodbye to his father – as we saw in the first chapter of the season – the singer knows that was Luisito Rey on the place of his mother mainly because The Mossad Israeli intelligence service that would be responsible for discovering the fate Marcela Basteri has not responded for months.

Luis Miguel finally travels to Spain, accompanied not only by his brother Álex but also Erika and Jaime Camil Garza , which despite the recent differences, help the singer to travel by private plane, hoping to be at the hour and find answers.

Six years ago, in 1986, after the separation of the family Gallego Basteri, Marcela decided to accept the invitation of Luis Rey to Las Matas, Madrid where he could have seen his Sol which was actually in Chile, for his first presentation at the festival Viña del Mar .

Although the original intention of Luis Rey was to obtain the signature of Marcela so that his son could change the etiquette, of EMI to WEA the nervousness of Tito before the arrival of the woman suggests that in the house Las Matas much more could have happen. " Do you really want me to be there when Marcela comes? ", asks to Rey . " Do what you want, I'm here alone ," replies this one before raising his glbad of wine.

Without suspecting anything and without listening to the warnings of his Aunt Adua Marcela went to Spain accompanied by his son Sergio . Arriving at the house of Las Matas he discovers with anguish that Luis Miguel is not there, only Luis Rey.

What happened on that day? Tito is still in his nerves when he thinks about it. On the brink of death, Luisito Rey called to ask him to swear "for the blood of the family" that will never reveal anything to Luis Miguel on what s & rsquo; Has pbaded this afternoon. " If anyone needs to tell you, it's me ," he says. "Do you think it's the last thing a son wants to hear from a father?" Asks an anxious Tito . Finally The Sun faces his father, to whom he asks for information on the fate of his mother, since it was he who saw her for the last time. "I've been looking for him for years, if you have any love for me, please tell me where he is," he asks LuisMi . " You already know where he is ", replies Luisito Rey seconds before dying. Furious, the singer leaves the hospital, calling his father "son of a bitch".

Conscious that Luisito Rey could disappoint him again, Hugo López reveals to Luis Miguel that he contacted El Mossad to know the results of his investigation. The manager gives him Sol an envelope, where he can finally find what happened with Marcela Basteri .


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