Attorney General opened an investigation for the purchase of TGI by BSE


The investigation was initiated against Sandra Fonseca, former president of the Empresa de Energía de Bogotá.

The Attorney General of the Nation filed a complaint against Sandra Fonseca, former president of the energy company of Bogotá, arrested by the purchase of TGI (Transportadora de Gas Internacional), one of the companies questioned during the meeting. Administration Gustavo Petro

The official was denounced for alleged property damage since the company was sold by a previous board of directors in 2011 for 560 million US dollars and then bought for almost 900 million dollars US.

Fonseca pointed out TGI is the country's largest gas carrier, contributes nearly 50% to BEE's investment holding, and also has infrastructure pipelines in several departments.

"We were able to demonstrate that the transaction was totally tied to valuations. In the past, the investment banking was done and all the procedures recommended by the board of directors to get the approval approved. offered by the board of directors were followed. "The mayor of Bogotá at the time, Gustavo Petro, who chaired the board of directors," said Fonseca after being informed of the decision.

The ex-worker explains that the company bought in 2014 has a much larger heritage than the one sold. in 2011, investments of $ 560 million were made to connect the La Guajira gas to the center of the country, linking the Cupiagua and Cusiana wells in Bogota.

Sandra Fonseca, in the development of its function was fully adjusted to the law and procedures, there was no appropriation by it, nor in favor of third party money from the energy company of Bogota, "said the lawyer of the former employee, Diana Maya

In this case, in 2016, the District Comptroller of Bogotá, Juan Carlos Granados, opened a tax lawsuit against the Mayor of Bogota, Gustavo Petro, then but the process was suspended because the local general manager challenged the head of the controlling entity.

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