Avianca has been recognized as the best airline in South America


The airline also took the distinction of the best economy clbad in the region.

Kevin Steven Bohórquez Guevara – [email protected]

Following a global survey of more than 20 million travelers of 100 different nationalities, Avianca was selected as "Best Company in South America "" At the Skytrax World Airlines Awards 2018. For the eighth time, the company took this distinction, recognizing its constant efforts to obtain the preference of its pbadengers.

"A new recognition by the travelers, when selecting Avianca as the best airline in South America, not only comes pride; it tells us that we are on the right flight path to gain customer preference and encourages us to continue to make efforts to provide our pbadengers with a world clbad service, "said Hernán Rincón, executive chairman of Avianca

of the Skytrax World Airlines Awards 2018 took place this Tuesday 17 July in London; where he counted with the participation of several outstanding executives of the international airline industry. There, the airline also received the award for "Best Economy Clbad in the Region" and also ranked 51st in the ranking of the 100 best airlines in the world.

Faced with the qualification methodology, Skytrax indicated that the results measure the quality of the service through a global satisfaction survey of more than 20 million travelers of 100 different nationalities. From the survey, the perception of different points that make up the airline's service chain such as check-in, airport service, boarding procedure, baggage handling and comfort of seats, the cleaning is evaluated. of the cabin.

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