BAM, the largest audiovisual market in the country. Industry in Bogotá


The BAM (Bogota Audiovisual Market) arrives in a new edition from 9 to 13 July. In the largest audiovisual market in the country, domestic and international buyers will meet.

About 9,000 people from the audiovisual sector participate in the ninth edition of the BAM. Of these, 115 are international guests representing festivals, producers, television channels, content developers and entities specializing in the promotion of audiovisual products for various platforms, from 21 countries such as the United States, Poland, Brazil, Chile and France. d & # 39; others. Spain, a guest country of honor, will have a delegation of about twenty professionals.

This year, BAM characters like Hussain Currimbhoy, documentary programmer and new media at the Sundance Film Festival (USA) participate in the BAM; Alethea Avramis, an expert in virtual reality production from Atlas V whose series Spheres was sold per million dollars to Citylights at the last Sundance Film Festival

BAM positions Bogotá as a place for the audiovisual. In 2017, business expectations at the close of the market amounted to $ 35 million, a figure that becomes an effective business as business relationships initiated in the BAM, which confirms that BAM is one of the largest audiovisual markets. from the continent. This year should exceed this figure

The Audiovisual Market in Bogotá

Currently, more than 8,900 companies make up the content industry sector, have generated about 57,000 jobs, dedicated to production, post-production and distribution of cinematographic films, videos, programs, commercials and television commercials; exhibition of films and motion pictures; television programming and transmission; audiovisual creation and advertising, according to the commercial register of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce

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<p>  These companies generate 6.5 billion annual sales and nearly 55,000 graduates in different careers related to the audiovisual sector, which shows the great potential It must reach new levels of growth and development for the city In 2017, the sector exported for 209.2 million US dollars. </p>
<p>  More information on this event here. </p>
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