Banco Agrario launched its mobile wallet to increase rural supply


For easy access, the entity allows operations without the need to use plan data.

Lilian Mariño Espinosa – [email protected]

In order to increase the supply of financial products for rural areas of the country, Banco Agrario has launched its mobile portfolio (Agromóvil) which will allow to its customers to make financial transactions of your cell phone line, without the need to use data.

With this, the Bank expects to replace cash and even the use of debit or credit cards because it will allow payments, withdrawals, prepaid cell phone line refills, transfers, payments from public and private services, among other operations.

"The agrarian bank is modernized to facilitate the management of financial products by our clients, and we are therefore happy to launch today this new tool for the users of the entity in rural areas, where the access to these services shows significant limitations, "said President Luis Enrique Dussan Lopez

Initially, the tool will be available in Huila and Boyacá and the user will be able to open a deposit account electronic from the mobile phone, which will have the phone number as the account number. This pilot in these locations will last six months, and customers, in addition to the aforementioned services, will be able to receive four types of payments: "sale of their products, payroll, Comfaboy compensation fund grants and Families in Action". 19659004] The account is launched in partnership with Telefónica, that is why Fabián Hernández, CEO of Telefónica Colombia, explained that "it is a pride to be part of the digital transformation of Banco Agrario." At Telefónica, we position ourselves as the leading digital services provider for businesses in the country through solutions that help empower sectors to a digital economy.With this project, we are providing rural people with access to virtual financial services through telephony. mobile. "

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