Banco de la República kept the interest rate at 4.25%


Redacción Economía

The Board of the Issuer has taken into account the factors that generate uncertainties about the future of the Colombian economy, such as excess production capacity from the country.

At its meeting on this Friday, the council The Banco de la República Directive has maintained the benchmark interest rate at 4.25%, after taking into account a list of factors including the following. uncertainty is the main issue.

According to the board of directors of the issuer, there is speed of resumption of economic activity. "The body welcomed the excesses in the productive capacity of the country that are projected for this year and could cause damage in the economy, but, on the other hand, he also mentioned that, if oil prices remained stable or the trend towards confidence persisted, there may be better overall demand behavior than expected.

2.2% growth in gross domestic product (GDP) in the first quarter and economic activity indicators for the second "suggest that The economy would have continued its weak growth, but higher than that recorded in 2017, "says the official statement of the board." With these results, the Bank's technical team has maintained its growth estimate for 2018 to 2 , 7%. "

" Commission to continue has to carefully monitor the behavior of inflation (CPI), "says the report, and then expose that it is a stable index but whose expectations (projections)" have recorded slight variations and remain above the target of 3% ".

The latest CPI data in June was 3.2%. The council talks about "some risks that could push inflation upwards and delay convergence to 3%, among them, a stronger than expected depreciation of the peso, which is transferred to domestic prices. Again, the uncertainty about these factors is high. "

The agency of the issuer also considered a" relatively stable "exchange rate. He added that" the increase in the terms of the exchange and the expected dynamics of external demand would continue to favor the recovery of the country's foreign income. "

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