Batteries! 11 scientific data and very "hot" that they had not told you about sex


Sex is one of the most complete experiences that a human being can have, and even an animal.

The lack of bad can be a real killer, for example, of love; or can become the ideal partner of a good relationship.

Since we are small, we have good bad or bad information, but almost always misinformation.

What we learn in school, parents or our friends is generally incorrect, besides that even with the development of technology and advances in science, the word bad still represents a taboo in many families. [19659002LeportailDe10mxafaitunecompilationdecertaineschosesquevousnesaviezpbadurlebadeetellessont100%vraiesscientifiquementprouvées[19659002] 1. Sperm is rich in natural ingredients. Yes, an irrepressible source of vitamins and proteins, but also lactic acid, good cholesterol, fructose, nitrogen and creatinine.

2. Your bad life can be affected by your income. A Greek study notes that people who have bad four times a week earn much, much more money than those who do not have bad.

The smell of pumpkin is an aphrodisiac for men. A study conducted by the Chigago Foundation for Research and Treatment of Odor and Taste revealed that feeling a pumpkin increases blood flow to the male bads.

4. Your income is related to a good erection. Some studies indicate that erectile dysfunction often has to do with the fact that his wife earns more money than she earns.

Eating like rabbits is real. The number of spermatozoa in a rabbit contains 280 million spermatozoa, the same number as men.

6. The Australians of the West are fascinated by the trios. A census shows that 53% of the population had a trio at some point in their lives.

7. People like to have bad in their workplace. A survey conducted by an employment portal shows that more than 10% of people have had bad in their office.

8. The household makes men less sensual. A man who gets a lot of chores at home is less excited than those who do not.

9. Size matters Do not lie to them.

10. Fat men last longer in bed. And not for little. An overweight man has a bad longer lasting at least three times longer than a thin bad: that is what a study shows in Turkey.

11. Oral bad is not just for humans. It has been discovered that bears, wolves and bats also practice it.

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