Beware of your baby's overeating: recommendations that can help you


One of the most serious problems of the 21st century is obesity as reported by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Initially it would be thought that this problem affects more high-income countries, but in reality the inconvenience was presented in low- and middle-income countries ; an example is what happens in the UK where three of the four babies consume more calories than they should.

Because of this problem in this part of the world, the British government delivered four recommendations to avoid overeating babies:

1. The first recommendation is to feed infants with bad milk during the first six months of life as this allows miners to suffer less from infectious diseases and to be hospitalized . medical center .

According to a committee of experts from the United Kingdom, it is recommended that babies do not consume solid foods during the first six months of life ; In addition, experts recommend that miners do not consume cow's milk because this product has a low level of iron.

2. The UK Department of Health recommends that six-month-old babies can eat solid foods and if these contain much better iron, they may not accept them at first, but experts recommend that they they should insist that this type of food should be provided at the same time that is followed by badfeeding . It is necessary to avoid giving babies foods that contain a high sugar or salt content because their high calorie content leaves no room for healthy products.

juice since the latter contains too much sugar for a baby . Kids love cookies, but experts say that they are not so advisable because contains a lot of salt that is not suitable for children . A final recommendation is not to give eggs to babies up to six months and this is not because the product causes obesity but may cause allergies to babies and if in the family there is a history of allergy, it is best to consult a specialist.

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