Black Weekend 2018 will be next September


The Panama Tourism Authority (ATP), the Panama National Chamber of Tourism (CAMTUR) and the Panamanian Association of Shopping Centers (APACECOM) announced today the second version of the Black Weekend Panama, hoping to overcome the arrival of visitors to the country and the economic impact generated in 2017.

The bidding season will take place from 14 to 16 September 2018, in 12 shopping centers across the country with a variety of offers and discounts of up to 70% in products, brands and technologies.

With this innovative touristic product, ATP, along with APACECOM, CAMTUR, the Association of Restaurants and Allies of Panama (PFRA), Mastercard and major airlines, is seeking to position the Panama as the best shopping destination in Latin America and at the same time tourists know the sights near the capital and taste our cuisine.

The administrator of the Tourism Authority of Panama, Gust He hoped hope that this activity will boost the country's economy in a month of sales and at the same time as tourists and nationals interact between shopping, touristic sites and concerts that are organized.

Black Weekend is an important product that generated in 2017 a large number of tourists at the end of the year and the trade has progressed a lot thanks to the work done in September, said Nadyi Duque President of APACECOM, he has been strongly encouraged in Peru, Brazil and throughout the region, incorporating other markets such as the Caribbean Islands (Trinidad and Tobago). accepted at the regional level, in the countries of Central and South America, he said.

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