"Blockchain will have one of the fastest growth rates until 2021"


The technology is expected to have a positive impact on the operations of the securities markets, as well as on insurance and other sectors

IBM IBM and the Santiago Multinational Corporation recently launched a platform based on the blockchain which is positioned at vanguard

Following the success of IBM's first custom development for the financial institution, companies have decided to expand their efforts towards optimizing short selling operations with an application based on Hyperledger Fabric . The application will be based on Smart Contracts to increase reliability between the parties involved, both in the loan and in the purchase of financial badets, details the CriptoNoticias portal.

Martin Hagelstrom ] IBM's blockchain leader for Latin America, says that an expansion of this type of technology in the region is underway.

"In the last time we saw a major advance in the interest of Latin American companies in incorporating blockchain technology into their business networks By thinking Blockchain far beyond cryptocurrencies, we are currently working with several customers on projects and drivers developed in IBM Cloud Garages, "explains Hagelstrom.

He adds that "according to IDC, blockchain technology in Latin America will have one of the rates from until 2021, with a 127.3% Following this demand and the growth potential of Blockchain that IBM sees in our region, it is that we announced at the beginning of this year the creation of the first blockchain solutions center in Latin America, located in Sao Paulo, in Brazil. "

Why was the blockchain set up on the Chilean stock exchange? Andrés Araya Falcone head of technology in the trans-Andean exchange explains that "a blockchain private is logical when several parties want to interact and change the state of a system, and prefer to avoid centralization in a third party that provides the service in real time. Thus, thanks to the digital contracts implemented that are executed in conjunction with the transactions, they can be used as a distributed automaton without a trusted third party, allowing the effective implementation of new processes between participants. "

]" In the implementation of securities lending, we set up a series of smart contracts ( chaincode ) using the Linux Foundation Hyperledger Fabric Foundation, which allowed us to implement It adds On the other hand, IBM is already working on similar projects, with customers in different countries of Latin America ] various industries such as insurance logistics agriculture among others.

"AOS in Colombia collaborates with IBM to create a solution based on blockchain and Watson IoT in the cloud, to improve the efficiency in processing transactions and fees in the cloud. logistics and transportation industry across Colombia The solution will use the platform as a service of IBM Cloud and Internet of Things for the mapping of freight trucks and blockchain to handle transactions between the network of shippers, carriers and local authorities, "says Hagelstrom.

"In Brazil BRF and Carrefour joined IBM to develop the project" Food Tracking "to track products through blockchain technology. objective is to inform the consumer, in a simple and objective way, about the origin of the food, considering all the stages of activity: productive, commercial and logistic.The project was developed in the IBM Garage – a space created by IBM to accelerate innovative projects and applications in the cloud, "he adds

Moreover, Hagelstrom comments that technology can be exploited for the insurance field .] "The Mexican Association of Insurance Institutions (AMIS) in collaboration with IBM is developing a prototype blockchain solution to help ensure the authenticity of policies ", he says, according to CriptoNoticias

Araya Falco note that "use of blockchain involves the use of strong cryptography and open standards from its base. This allows us to have a safer system against malicious attacks, to mitigate information leaks and to be able to reconstruct all information before a catastrophic event. "

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