Blue Origin: This is the price you will pay for space tourism [VIDEO] | Photo 1 of 7 | Science


The Company Blue Origin The Nabob of Amazon Jeff Bezos has set a goal of offering travel packages to the Space and a recent filtration shows how much these trips will cost.

The goal of the company is that everyone can make a tourist trip in the space, which would be done aboard his suborbital capsule inhabited New Shepard.

These capsules have the capacity to carry a total of 6 people and reach an altitude of about 100 kilometers from the Earth. The capsules have already been tested many times and their success suggests that space tourism is closer than you think.

  That's the price you'll have to pay for space tourism

This is the price you'll have to pay for doing space tourism. (YouTube / Blue Origin)

However, and how it was speculation, these trips will not be accessible to all pockets A recent leak revealed by Reuters, shows that Bezos allegedly conspired to sell the tickets at a price varying between 200 thousand and 300 thousand dollars.

These awards would relate to those that Virgin Galactic, the company that competes with Blue Origin by putting tourists in space, had already revealed, even selling its first pbadages in 250 thousand dollars as the minimum price.

Up to now there are four companies that intend to operate t space: Virgin Origin, Virgin Galactic, SpaceX from Elon Musk and Orion Span. Who will be the first to achieve the feat?

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