Bogotanos will be able to update the immunization of their children next Saturday


In July, after the end-of-year holiday season and the return to clbad in the city's schools and kindergartens, the Mayor's Office of Bogotá steps up vaccination of children from less than 6 years to avoid risks As part of the actions of this prevention strategy, on Saturday 14 July, a mbadive vaccination day will be held with more than 300 points of service available, both from the public network and from private institutions. .

In the city there are at least 40,000 children under 5 who need a regular schedule dose and 65,000 babies between 6 and 23 months waiting for the vaccine against the influenza. Parents and caregivers can take this opportunity to inform children of free vaccinations of the regular diet, which includes organic products against diseases such as polio, yellow fever, hepatitis A, chicken pox, pneumococcus, rotavirus, measles, rubella and mumps. Other

In addition, women of childbearing age aged 10 to 49, pregnant women, older adults, and children under 11 are vaccinated with measles, rubella, and measles. mumps they need according to their age.

For the special day of this Saturday, the District Health Department (SDS), through Integrated Health Services, will have six additional mbad vaccination points for the 300 permanent staff distributed throughout the city:

• Southwest Health Integrated Services Sub-Department

Parque Alameda Laureles (Bosa), Section 79D with 73B South Street

• Northern Health Services Integrated Subnetwork

Engativá, 64th Street with Quarry 123

• East Health Services Subcenter East

San Blas Health Services Unit, Cross-Section 5 East # 19-50 South

] Services Unit Primero de Mayo Health Center, 22nd Street, South # 8A-58

• Integrated Health Services Sub-Department South

Divino Niño Park (Ciudad Bolívar)

Venice Park (Tunjuelito), Diagonal 47A South # 52-45

Recommendations for Vaccination on:

• All newborns must be vaccinated against meningeal tuberculosis and hepatitis B during the first twelve hours before discharge from the hospital.

• Boys and girls 6 to 23 months, people over 60 and pregnant women in week 14 should be vaccinated against influenza.

• Children must have the first triple viral dose before reaching the age of one year and receive a second dose at age 5.

Visitors to areas at risk for yellow fever should be vaccinated at least 10 days before departure. One dose of vaccine provides lifetime protection

• Adults traveling to Europe or Venezuela should have a measles-rubella (SR) dose.

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