Botox would be used to relieve patients with chronic pain


Botox used in therapeutic applications and popularly known to be part of cosmetic procedures to regenerate the skin, appears again mentioned in the field of Health for the other properties that it produces.

According to a recent study, the botulinum toxin ( botox ) contains some properties that provide relief from the sensation of pain .

The study, revealed Wednesday by the journal Science Translational Medicine, indicates that this toxin generates relief even in chronic pain and does not produce adverse reactions in patients.

According to research, conducted in mice by experts from University College London (UCL), the Botox produces an effect that in the brain "silences" the signals of pain .

The experiment was performed in the backbone of rodents to which the substance was applied in the spinal cord with the result that animals have decreased the sensation of pain throughout the treatment.

One of the conclusions of the researchers is that the toxin acts on the pain that it is mild or chronic, caused by nerve injury in the spine .

Another advantage, highlighted by researcher Steve Hunt, is that this toxin does not produce any negative effects such as rejection of substance or dependence to him for repeated use.

Although some experts warn against adverse reactions of Botox as an aesthetic solution for reducing wrinkles favorable results are also distinguished pain management at patients ]

The result of this research generates great expectations in the field of medicine because it could revolutionize the way of treating patients suffering from chronic pain and decrease the Use of morphine and / or fentalino, considered as mechanisms to counter pain .

The difference between the botulinum toxin ( botox ) and the morphine or fentalin is that with the latter, long-term the body develops tolerance to such drugs which would not happen with the Botox .

This study, which lasted five years, had 200 mice among which were simulated the early stages of human neuropathic pain and inflammatory, which were treated with injection. a modified form of botulinum toxin.

Meanwhile, animal reaction was monitored for pain treated through this mixture.

The results were favorable by observing that the mixture developed by the experts succeeded in stopping chronic pain .

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