Brazil confirmed 677 cases of measles, all imported from Venezuela


July 19, 2018 13:00 pm.

Brazil's Ministry of Health claimed that it had 677 confirmed cases of measles, all for two outbreaks occurring in the states of Roraima and Amazonas, Venezuela.

According to the Ministry of Health, up to July 17, 444 cases of measles in the Amazon and 216 in Roraima were confirmed and "all are related to imports".

"This has been verified by the genotype of the virus (D8) that has been identified, which is the same as that circulating in Venezuela," the ministry said in a report published on its website.

Since February, when measles cases began to appear, three deaths have been recorded: two in Roraima and one in the Amazon, according to Ministry data, which indicate that 2,689 cases still occur. subject of an investigation.


This portfolio also indicated that there are some isolated cases identified in the states of Sao Paulo (1), Rio Grande do Sul (8), Rondonia (1) and Rio de Janeiro ( 7), but all related to the virus It happened from Venezuela.

According to the Ministry, Brazil is promoting preventive measures and blocking the disease throughout the country through vaccination to interrupt the transmission of outbreaks and prevent the establishment of sustained transmission.

It should be recalled that a few weeks ago, the Ministry of Health of Peru warned against a case of measles imported from Venezuela. According to informed health authorities of the country, it is about a boy of one year who arrived at the nation with his family by the north coast of the South American nation

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