Brazil reported 677 cases of measles, all imported from Venezuela


The Brazilian Ministry of Health reported on Wednesday that there were 677 confirmed cases of measles on its territory all due to two outbreaks that reached the states of Roraima and Amazonas, from Venezuela. [19659002] Up to July 17, 444 cases of measles in the Amazon and 216 in Roraima and "all related to imports" were confirmed . "This has been proven by the genotype of the virus (D8) that has been identified, which is the same one that circulates in Venezuela," the ministry said in a report posted on its website.

Measles, Three deaths were recorded : two in Roraima and one in the Amazon, according to the ministry, which said 2,689 cases remain under investigation.

This portfolio also indicated that there are some isolated cases identified in the states of Sao Paulo (1), Rio Grande do Sul (8), Rondonia (1) and Rio de Janeiro (7), but all related to the virus arrived from Venezuela

In 2016, Brazil received from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) the certificate for the elimination of the circulation of the virus of measles, but two years later, the disease was relaunched by the wave of migration

According to the Ministry, Brazil took preventive measures and blocked the disease throughout the country. country through vaccination to interrupt the transmission of outbreaks and prevent the establishment of sustained transmission. (Information from EFE).

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