Bucaramanga, the fourth city with the lowest inflation in the country | Local


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On the other hand, between January and June 2018, inflation in the capital of Santander was 2.47%, 0.39 pps lower than at the same time of 2017.

According to the monthly sample, Diversión y Comunicaciones were the groups that increased their prices the most in the city; on the other hand, housing and clothing recorded the highest losses.

The National Administrative Department of Statistics (Dane) revealed that the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the month of June stood at 0.15%, recording an increase of 0.4 percentage point compared to the same month last year where it was at 0.11%.

See also: Inflation in Bucaramanga among the lowest in the country

According to the entity, in the sixth month of the year, housing groups, clothing, health, education and entertainment registered Monthly variations lower than the one presented in June of last year.

"In June, three groups were above the national average (0.15%): Communications (1.69%), Transportation (0.34%) and Health (0.24%) Here are the other expenses (0.13%), housing (0.08%), clothing (0.07%), pleasure (0.03%), food (0, 03%) and education (0.01%).%), Explained the Dane.

For its part, accumulated inflation in the first half was 2.47% a decrease of 0.88 percentage points compared to the same period of the year last where it was 3.35% Similarly, the 12-month inflation rate was set at 3.20%, the lowest of the July-June moving period over the last four years .

In this sense, the basic expenses that contributed the most to inflation in June were telephone services (1.95%), fuel for vehicles (1.89%), telephone Water supply, sanitation and toilets (1, 40%), imputed lease (0.29%), other fresh vegetables and legumes (3.35%), effective leasing ( 0.28%), beans (3.93%), banana (5.88%) and rice (0.75%).

Similarly, expenditures that showed negative contributions to the change in the sixth month of the year were electrical energy (-1.69%), potatoes (-8.69 %), other fresh fruits (-2.29%), gas (-1.01%) and vehicles (-0.33%).

You might be interested: Bucaramanga, the most expensive city of the first quarter

The entity also revealed that the cities that recorded the largest increases in the cost of living citizens were San Andrés (0.48%), Villavicencio (0.42%), Ibague (0.29%), Tunja (0.24%), Cúcuta (0.22%), Cali (0.19%) ), Popayán (0, 19%), Bogotá DC (0.19%), Armenia (0.17%), Medellin (0.16%) and Florence (0.16%).

On the other hand, the cities with the least increase are Pasto (0.14%), Pereira (0.14%), Neiva (0.13%), Bucaramanga (0.12%) %) Manizales (0,11%), Sincelejo (0,10%), Barranquilla (0,07%), Quibdó (0,06%), Montería (0,02%), Riohacha (-0, 16%), Santa Marta (-0.16%), Valledupar (-0.23%) and Cartagena (-0.24%).

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