Builders Target Investments in Non-Residential Destinations


Redacción Economía

The investment for the development of this type of storage projects executed by the Oikos Group reaches US $ 28 million.

The construction of external and individual storage is a new investment modality for the Bloomberg News

At the time when construction shows wobbly results where, in May of this year, the total authorized area displays a decrease of 22%, according to the figures of DANE there are entrepreneurs who continue to bet on this activity looking at other options than housing.

For non-residential destinations in May 2018, there was a 34% growth, while there was a year for the same month. fall of 17.6%.

In this scenario, the group of companies Oikos is considering the construction of at least four thousand vineyards in different parts of the country. including the Colombian capital.

"Currently in the country there are several aspects that make the storage activity a need with exponential growth", says Luis Aurelio Diaz director of the Oikos group. He explains that the number of families is multiplying and that every day the surfaces of the houses are smaller ", forcing people to have a place to store things such as suitcases, Christmas items, furniture and other items."

A hundred or so unipersonal businesses that trade on the Internet and which, because of their growth, need space to store goods, have also generated an increase in demand for this type of real estate , said the builder

. storage and custody of physical files are becoming more demanding and require companies – small, medium and large – to keep accounting, tax and payroll records for several years.

"This type of custom storage services In Colombia was not processed properly and their demand experienced a significant increase.This request was partially satisfied informally, with a high level of insecurity for customers and without the standards required for proper and correct custody and conservation, "says Díaz.

Satisfying these market requirements, the group builder Oikos has developed the line of activity Oikos Storage a unit specialized in all types of storage for days, weeks, months or years.

According to Luis Aurelio Díaz, investment for the development of this type of storage projects reached $ 28 million Currently, the construction organization has an expansion plan until 2025 that includes four to six complexes a year in Colombia, while in 2020 it provides for inv in Peru and Ecuador with a budget of $ 6 million.

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