Caleños will be able to produce and sell solar energy


"Advertising is focused on large energy consumers.Our intention is to install 25 megawatts in the next 4 years.At present this project is active and is carried out with large users of electricity. Emcali. "

It is important to say that 25 megawatts are enough to power 25,000 users.

Emcali currently has 200 kilowatts installed solar energy in a telecommunication factory a measuring laboratory and in the aqueduct of the village of El Hormiguero

"The commercial user who wants to generate solar energy, the first thing to do is to seek advice from Emcali Technical You need to do a study for each case and you have to take into account several things." D & # 39; firstly that the physical infrastructure is sufficient, the second is the question of arborization, that is to say that there is enough surface and on this basis a technical projection and economic is done, "Peña said.

In this model, Emcali offers several alternatives.

"The first is that you mount the project with your own resources, Emcali puts the technical part and the connection. The alternative number two is that Ecali will finance the project, the customer is not to make any investment except for the physical improvements that they must do in their installation and Emcali gives a preferential price in that it produces energy in the photovoltaic system " explained

The Emcali representative added that when the customer badumes the cost of the installation, the photovoltaic system has to pay to nobody for the energy that 39, he consumes.

"But in the second case you do not invest in infrastructure and you save energy. In Emcali we tell the customer what the best thing can be."


Emcali explained that in the case of family houses, this can be done through the website:[19659008] This means that you can manage the simplified login request and the availability request.

However, according to Héctor Peña, an engineer in the Planning Department of Emcali Energy Management, there is much ignorance in the matter. "On the market there are many promises that are not fulfilled, it happened at the national level" he said.

He adds: "People think that when they mount a solar panel, they save the energy bill.I say: If the bill is $ 300,000, at least $ 100,000 is the payment for energy, but it turns out that at least $ 5 million is spent on cell badembly and will only have power as the day the light from the Sun is 6:00 to 6:00 pm and in the best case you can save 30% of energy consumption, which would not be enough to offset the investment and you will also need to use the energy system traditional, "he said.

at night, one must acquire batteries that have an additional cost.

90 megawatts of energy could meet the needs of a population of 90,000 The new project of the Emcali solar farm is aimed at this.

Given the possibility of generating e energy in homes themselves, Jimmy Fernando Rosero, Solar's electrical engineer, said that solar energy for a four-person house costs an average of $ 5 million.

"A common house in Caleña can produce solar energy, but we must first take into account consumption. An average family manages a kilowatt that can move a refrigerator, a washing machine, a television and five LED bulbs. For this model, we are talking about the installation and all this at the cost of 5 and a half million, "he said.

If you want to sell the remaining solar energy, you must enter into an agreement with Emcali for the bidirectional meter. We estimate that a household would save between 60% and 70% of consumption, depending on the habits of the family. There is no need to change outlets or make complex installations inside the house.

Do not forget that if there are no batteries that have an additional cost, they must be connected to Emcali to guarantee the power supply at night.


The solar farm corresponds to one of the three photovoltaic projects that Emcali is working on.

It would be located on a plot of 90 hectares in Mulaló (Yumbo)) It is divided into two phases: 1. To generate 9.9 megawatts and 2.60 megawatts. He is currently in the phase of advanced feasibility studies.

It is expected that between the years 2019-2020 begins the operational phase (first phase). The construction of the second phase would take place after 2021.

It is necessary to buy equipment to take advantage of the climate, temperature, solar radiation, winds.

It is estimated that Eccali would save $ 5,000 million in energy purchases. The total investment of the project is between US $ 84 million, US $ 11.8 million in Phase 1 and US $ 72 million in Phase Two.

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