Cali hosts the most important and pioneering cancer registry in Latin America |


EFE Forum "Cities Meet in the Fight Against Cancer"

The Cali Population Cancer Registry (CCPR), considered the most important and consistent in Latin America, has data from clinical records of private physicians, making it a unique record at the international level.

"Something that works only at Cali, is that private doctors provide their clinical records to be able to use them" explains Luis Eduardo Bravo Ocaña, director of the RPCC

Since 2002, Bravo is at the the world's most comprehensive and sustainable cancer registry in low- and middle-income countries, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

During a meeting at the Universitario del Valle Hospital, registry seat, with about twenty reporters from the region, Dr. Bravo explained that this register works grac "In the Colombian model, the sponsors were the universities In Latin America, there were problems when this type of system (dossiers) is promoted by the secretariats of health because there is a discontinuity, "he said. explained

Cancer (UICC) last year chose the Colombian city as a model to implement the Cities Cancer Challenge initiative, also known as C / Can 2025. [19659004] This program targets governments, physicians, public health institutions, private initiative and patient organizations to reduce cancer rates by 25% by working together in cities of about one million

This file has also been used as a Based on research by Colombian researcher Nubia Muñoz, a 2008 Nobel laureate in medicine, for her studies on the relationship between cervical cancer and the human papillomavirus. 19659004] "The first studies were conducted (Muñoz) in Cali with registry data," Bravo told reporters who participated this week in Roche Press Day, an educational forum for communicators in Latin America.
The RPCC model is already taken as a paradigm in other places.

"We were selected (by the C / Can initiative) to achieve a multisectoral work goal," says Bravo.

In addition, his team will now manage efforts to implement new registries and reliable information systems in Africa or Latin America.

The biggest challenge that C / Can leaves to the Colombian city will be to improve oncology care and promote self-management to understand the problems and find the resources that meet the needs of the equipment of last generation and training of doctors.

The area of ​​influence of Cali in the treatment of cancer includes nine million people, that is, the western area of ​​Colombia. Many patients come from outside the city to be treated.


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